Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Christchurh Art Gallery, New Zealand

Earthquakes can cause liquefaction of soil. As a resultant, excessive settlement of soil can occur. An example is given in the image.

Now an art gallery in New Zealand which had similar issues in the 2011 earthquake has recently been rehabilitated in an interesting and challenging way. For more details, visit:

[P.S: Img Src:]

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A Building just got printed in 3D!!

3D printing had been revolutionising the age of complex designs and manufacture from the late 1980s. It started at the very basic level and slowly paced upon on its quality, speed and reliability on size of the design. But guess what's on store? Someone just thought whether he could scale up the machine to the Civil engineering level... And he sort of achieved something that's new in our field. Voila! 3D printed building in China developed by a company named Winsun. Find some more details here: